I'm still chuckling from all the comments I've been getting regarding the Olympic Stadium's 'peanut princess' who seems to have got her own fan base amongst a small core of my readership. She is certainly one of the attractions that makes a visit to watch football in such scorching hot and humid weather each weekend, a little more bearable. Someone else who makes my life more interesting is my current lady friend pictured above. We're currently estranged as she's visiting her family in her home province, so its a telephone relationship at the moment, which is tough going as her English is as poor as my Khmer.
That's cambodia girl smile.
Whaaaat??? Ain't she... SOPHOIN up-close?????????????????????? - SHIRLEY ANDERSON
Do not stop, pass 'Go" at all costs...
Yes...thank you Mike. I'll tell her you said that :-)
Shirley, 'fraid this is not, I repeat NOT, Sophoin :-)
As I have always stated, Sophoin and I are just the best of friends, no romantic attachment at all (aside from close friendship).
By the way Sophoin is taking her final Management exams next week so she's been locked inside her home for the last few weeks. I hope you'll join me in wishing her well. She has been studying for them for 4 years, and has had to miss many sessions because of her job, which takes her into the provinces every month, but one good thing was that she received funding to cover her study and course costs from an NGO in Australia which meant 1 less headache for her. She works so damn hard that for sheer effort and sacrifice, this girl should get top marks...but of course, life isn't like that. Anyhow, fingers crossed for Sophoin.
congrats, Andy, Srey Ka will make you very happy...
Now its plain to see... Pressure from Srei Ka forced you to drop the Peanut Princess for a few days... - Dexter
Dexter, you have an over-active imagination and have jumped to a conclusion that simply doesn't exist.
Hi Andy
pls confirm ID of ur current girlfriend: is she really SREY KA?
how about ur plans for marriage? will it be Khmer-style, like Eric's? - Dana
Dear Dana,
no comment and no comment.
Its indeed SREY KA. Check the blog unassumingly titled "Friendship", from June, for confirmation. - SHIRLEY ANDERSON
the girl in the photo looks very happy with what just had happened... treat her like this, Andy, and she always will be a rose in your garden - Julieta
Hey Andy,
your girlfriend looks beautiful;
just confirm in case she is NOT Srey Ka and you will have given us readers a satisfactory answer, for the time being. Many thanks for your attention, don't forget to invite me for the wedding ceremony - Dana
No wedding ceremony on the horizon Dana. Don't buy your dress just yet :-)
is this a serious blog??? theres a cloud of gossip, bantering and wise-cracking all over the site... - Wolfgang Bock
Dear Wolfgang,
If you want a serious and studious blog then maybe this isn't the place for you. Bantering is all part of life and we all should enjoy a good spot of bantering from time to time. If it makes you smile then its good for you in my book.
Of course there are serious issues raised from time to time on my blog, well ones that I think are serious, but the blog is not a place where I want to include all the negative stuff you see in the media every day. That's not what I want my blog to be. Let the media discuss the negative stuff and I'll try and concentrate on positive items as well as activities and events that interest me. Afterall, my blog is my window on the world, which you are welcome to join anytime.
Hi, Tamara
Congrats, the trick worked wonderfully! in order to relieve pressure from Sophoin, he ended up revealing what we wanted to know: SREY KA is her name... - Shirley
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