Banteay Samre seen from the air
To round off the photos taken on my microlite flight on Tuesday morning - well those where my finger isn't blocking the view, as I held my camera tightly and the reflection from the sun on my viewfinder made it almost impossible to see what I was photographing - here's a few more temples as well as some general shots from our cruising height of around 500 feet up. The flight over Phnom Bok was both exciting and scary all at the same time. The mountain is 770 feet high and we were well above the summit, where I had been only a couple of weeks before. On that occasion I had to climb the 600+ steps to reach the top. I much preferred the ariel view - far less tiring. If you wish to enjoy seeing part of Angkor and the surrounding countryside, let me know and I'll put you in touch with the pilot Eddie. It's an experience you won't forget.
I've yet to visit this temple on the ground as it was flooded on my last attempt. It's Phnom Tor at the corner of the eastern baray.
Looking over Eddie's shoulder as we head for the summit of Phnom Bok
The temple on the top of Phnom Bok, some 770 feet up. The shrine housing the giant linga is at the top right of picture.
This small temple, Prasat Leak Neang, sits in the shadow of Phnom Bok and I've yet to visit it on the ground
A small trapeang or pond, one of many that dot the landscape
A small village surrounded by trees
A look at the brand new road to Anlong Veng, that begins at Roluos
Water buffalo in a swamp near Banteay Samre
The moment of truth, just before we take off on our hour-long adventureLabels: Angkor, microlite
God, I thought I have seen it all, but man was I wrong!!! The temples look so different from up top... Thanks Andy for the perspective :)
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