This is Sunny, the rather large Tokay Gecko that has a home on the wall next to the entrance to the
Rising Sun pub just a few steps away from the riverside and FCC. He's to be found on the wall most nights, lying in wait for unsuspecting visitors. Usually he's partial to roaches, crickets, mozzies and the like but there's a story that if he jumps on your neck, it's a bad sign! That was the story a Khmer friend related to me and I cracked up. Yes indeed, if Sunny was to land on your neck you would be in trouble! It's difficult to see from the photo, but this gecko is a big one, believe me. Make sure you say hi to Sunny and the staff including Samnang and Thida next time you are passing the Rising Sun, which I always visit at least once a week to sample the excellent food they put on. The music leaves a bit to be desired but the fare far outweighs the sounds.
The version I usually here is that once the Gecko (Tokay) lands on your neck, it is very hard to get it off.
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