Vann Nath's exhibition paintings

The exhibition of paintings by artist and S-21 survivor Vann Nath is still showing at the Bophana Center in Phnom Penh. Thirty years after his arrest in Battambang and transfer to Tuol Sleng, the Khmer Rouge nerve-centre of death, Vann Nath has recreated the scenes from his arrest and confinement for the exhibition. All but two of his oil and acrylic paintings were painted this year - two of the paintings were completed about ten years ago. You can of course also see Vann Nath's paintings on the walls at Tuol Sleng, depicting the forms of torture used to obtain 'confessions' from the prisoners before they died. Only a handful of people survived their time in S-21, up to 17,000 weren't so fortunate. More of his paintings will follow shortly.
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